Contact Inland
Roslyn and Uniontown offices are currently open to the public. For technical assistance call*:
*Phone calls after business hours will be directed to our answering service.
You can also send us an e-mail, and your issues will be addressed by the next business day.
FAQ - Technical Support
If you have any questions or need to resolve an issue, call one of our offices and a Customer Care Representative will be glad to assist you.
FAQ - Creating an Account
If you are a new customer, or a first time bill pay caller, please contact our office at 509-649-2211 to set up a 4-digit PIN to access your account.
FAQ - Bill Pay Support
Customer can use our SmartHub portal to pay online to make payment or access our 24/7 bill pay by phone:
P.O. Box 171
103 S. Second St.
Roslyn, WA 98941
Toll free: 800-462-4578
Tel: 509-649-2211
Fax: 509-649-2555
Office Hours:
Monday-Friday 8:00-5:00 PM
P.O. Box 223
211 Montgomery St.
Uniontown, WA 99179
Toll free: 866-814-2516
Tel: 509-229-2211
Fax: 509-229-3300
Office Hours:
Monday-Friday 8:00-5:00 PM
Ready to get started?
Get in touch, or create an account